www.gusucode.com > PHP条码扫描管理系统 v1.0PHP源码程序 > PHP条码扫描管理系统 v1.0/wltmglxt_v1.0/wltmglxt_v1.0/upload/protected/config/main.php


// uncomment the following to define a path alias
// Yii::setPathOfAlias('local','path/to/local-folder');

// This is the main Web application configuration. Any writable
// CWebApplication properties can be configured here.
return array(
	// preloading 'log' component

	// autoloading model and component classes

		// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool
			// If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.
        // 后台管理


	// application components
			// enable cookie-based authentication

		// uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-format
/*		'urlManager'=>array(
            'urlSuffix' => '.html',

		// database settings are configured in database.php

			// use 'site/error' action to display errors

					'levels'=>'error, warning',
				// uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages


	// application-level parameters that can be accessed
	// using Yii::app()->params['paramName']
		// this is used in contact page